HomeNewsDiplomatic NewsMaldives condemns attacks at Kabul Airport

Maldives condemns attacks at Kabul Airport


Male, 27 August 2021 (TDI): Foreign Minister of Maldives, Abdulla Shahid strongly condemned the deadly attack at Kabul Airport. He extended his remarks about extremism and wanted the world to join hands against terrorism for the safety of people.

Abdulla Shahid expressed concern over the situation at Kabul airport where many innocents and civilians are wounded and killed. As far as region is concerned if one state is in trouble the threats do travel in near proximity. So, Abdullah Shahid reaffirmed the notion of unity against terrorism in order to curb the threat posed by non-state actors in Afghanistan.

Abdulla Shahid, being president-elect of the United Nations General Assembly for its 76th conference, reaffirmed the importance of peace in the region and also extended his remarks for the Presidency of Hope.


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