Doha, 8 March 2023 (TDI): Kazakhstan attended the 5th United Nations (UN) Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in Qatar. Kairat Umarov, Kazakhstan’s First Deputy Foreign Minister, led Kazakhistan’s delegation.
Umarov stressed in the broader argument that global progress left a high number of LDCs behind. It can aggravate poverty, hunger, climate change, and uncontrolled migration.
He stated that Kazakhstan is the world’s largest landlocked country. The nation is well aware of the difficulties and challenges LDCs face.
Deputy Foreign Minister outlined Kazakhstan’s excellent growth plan, which has allowed the government to achieve upper-middle income status in under 30 years.
In addition, he conveyed the country’s desire to share its experience and expertise with the world community.
During the conference, Kairat Umarov met with Qatar’s State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Soltan bin Saad Al-Muraikhi and the Minister of Commerce and Industry, and Co-Chairman Kazakh-Qatari high-level committee, Mohammed bin Hamad Al Thani.
The Ministers acknowledged the notable escalation in bilateral communication between Astana and Doha, including at the highest levels.
They also highlighted the potential for the continued growth of close Kazakh-Qatari collaboration in trade, economic, and investment cooperation.
In addition, Umarov conducted discussions with the UN Under-Secretary-General – High Representative on LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDS, Rabab Fatima, and his counterparts from Bahrain, Vietnam, Portugal, Italy, the Philippines, and other nations.
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They reviewed Kazakhstan’s interactions and initiatives with international organizations during these sessions.
The presence of the Kazakh delegation at the conference demonstrates Kazakhstan’s commitment to international cooperation. Kazakhstan’s successful development model offers vital lessons to LDCs and other nations experiencing similar issues.
During the conference, Kazakhstan had a significant opportunity to strengthen its relationships with other nations and international organizations. It utilized the forum to promote sustainable development and the theme “leave no one behind” globally.
5th UN Conference on the LDCs
The LDCs are low-income countries that face several barriers to long-term development. They consist of 46 states, most of which are in Africa, but there are also countries in Asia, Latin America, and Oceania.
Every ten years, the UN holds a conference for the LDCs. The conference focuses on mobilizing international support to assist the least developed nations in achieving sustainable development under the UN principle of “leaving no one behind.”
This year, the summit attracted close to 3,000 delegates. It included state and government leaders, foreign ministers, directors of international organizations, and representatives from the business and scientific communities.
A student of International Relations interested in National Security strategies, with a good focus on Geo-Politics, Foreign Policy, and Public & Cultural Diplomacy.