New York, 24 February 2023 (TDI): Denmark put forward a joint statement of five Nordic countries in the United Nations (UN), on the peaceful resolution of the war in Ukraine.

Denmark’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Lars Rasmussen spoke on behalf of Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and his own country at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

He highlighted the importance of standing on the right side of history in these testing times. No country should stand neutral when it comes to adhering to the principles of the UN charter and standing with the victim of aggression.

Rasmussen stressed that all the countries signed the UN Charter. The world leaders pledged not to use armed forces and to peaceful co-existence of nations. Thereby, all should commit to protecting the future of their countries from any plague of war.

He highlighted that the countries are obliged to refrain from the use or threat to use of force against violating the territorial or political integrity of any state.

Notably, despite the commitment to a peaceful resolution of international disputes, a year ago, international rules were violated when Russian tanks crossed Ukrainian Border. Russia provoked an unjust and brutal war.

The war of aggression was a flagrant violation of the UN charter. Russia disrupted the peaceful settlement in the continent and disregarded the sovereignty of Ukraine.

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Rasmussen further added that millions of people lost their lives, rendered homeless with no means of sustenance. Russia has disbanded the infrastructure, residential areas, schools, and health care facilities.

Violation of international law

There is a systematic violation of international and humanitarian law by Russia. As the world condemns Russia’s brutal war, there seems to be no end to this aggression in near future.

Denmark’s Foreign Minister calls it a joint responsibility to repudiate violations of international law and that Russia should be held accountable for its atrocities.

The peace resolution calls for the denunciation of brutal aggression and supporting peace-based principles of the UN Charter. It demands Russia withdraws its forces from Ukraine’s territory.

The year-long war has uncovered the bitter reality. If Russia stops the fighting, there will be no war. If Ukraine stops fighting, there will be no Ukraine.

Ukraine’s reason for the fight is enshrined in Article 51 of the UN Charter, an inherent right to self-defense. But Russia’s unprovoked aggression has no legal and moral justification.

The joint statement by Nordic counties implored all countries to vote for peace and discourage aggression against Ukraine and any other state.