HomeNewsDiplomatic NewsIPDS joins Think Tank Network on Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development

IPDS joins Think Tank Network on Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development


Beijing/New York, 21 October 2021 (TDI): Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies, Pakistan has joined the Network of Think Tanks on Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development, co-chaired by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) . This Network is part of the Global Coalition of Think Tank Networks for South-South Cooperation and is supported by the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Asif Noor, Director, Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies, Islamabad Pakistan represnting the Institute at the high panel.

This was announced today during the International Conference on South-South Cooperation on Leveraging Knowledge and Good Practice Sharing for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development co-hosted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation held today in Beijing and New York simultaneously.  There are 20 think tanks from 12 countries across the globe. Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies from Pakistan is representing the country at such a unique and important network that has a solid and significant historic foundation.

Under the Network, member organizations will conduct collaborative research, share research results, and organize global and regional academic exchanges and conferences, to share experiences on poverty reduction and development and to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The opening session was moderated by Adel Abdellatif, Director a.i., UNOSSC, and the keynote speech was by Abdulla Shahid, President of the United Nations General Assembly, Fuzhan Xie, President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,  Dr. Hala El-Said, Minister of Planning and Economic Development of Egypt,  Ms. María del Carmen Squeff, Permanent Representative of Argentina to the United Nations and President of the High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation and Usha Rao-Monari, Under-Secretary-General and Associate Administrator of UNDP.  The MoU signing between UNOSSC-CASS was moderated by Mr. Linggui Wang, Vice President of CASS and later he has shared in detail about this important initiative of the global think network.

The aim of the event was to share knowledge and good practice about poverty eradication, the announcement of a network of global think tanks from both south and north on poverty eradication and sustainable development, and finally to broker the south-south and triangular cooperation to advance poverty eradication.

As the 2030 agenda knowledge that poverty eradication is one of the important global challenges. There are nearly 700 million people i.e nearly 10 percent of the global population under extreme poverty. China has miraculously made it possible to uplift millions of people out of poverty. Through joint working together in the think tanks, this will help countries to learn from the experiences and will help the people to rebuild their lives.

Pakistan is currently struggling to help alleviate the people from poverty. According to the latest World Bank Report, the poverty ratio in Pakistan stood at 39.3 percent in 2020-21 and is projected to remain at 39.2 percent in 2021-22 and might come down to 37.9 percent by 2022-23. This is an important forum where Pakistan can share learnings from other institutions from the global south and triangular cooperation.

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is the premier academic organization and comprehensive research center in the field of philosophy and social sciences in China, composed of 41 research institutes and 179 research centers across 300 sub-disciplines.



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