Saint George, 7 February 2023 (TDI): Today Grenada celebrates its 49th anniversary of independence day. Grenada is an island country located between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It is also known as the Island of Spice.

On the occasion of independence day, the island’s leaders attended the military parade at the National Stadium. Grenada celebrates this year’s commemorative day under the theme of “Overcoming Adversity – Safeguarding Livelihoods – Protecting the Future”.

History of Grenada’s Independence Day

Grenada was first sighted by Cristopher Columbus in August 1498. He was sailing past the island without landing and gave it the name Concepción.

Grenada was dominated by Carib people for 150 years. During 1609 British merchants attempted to form a settlement, but the Carib forced them to leave.

Later in 1650 French succeeded to form a settlement at St. George’s Grenada remained French until 1762 when it capitulated to the British.

It was formally ceded to Britain in 1763 by the Treaty of Paris. In 1779 it was recaptured by the French, but it was restored to Britain in 1783.

From the 18th century to the 20th century Grenada remained under British rule. On 3 March 1967, the island became a self-governing state in association with the United Kingdom.

In the general election of August 1967, the Grenada United Labour Party (GULP) defeated the Grenada National Party (GNP) and took office under the premiership of Eric M. Gairy, a trade unionist. Grenada became an independent nation on February 7, 1974.


The culture of Grenada has a heavy French influence. Names of places and surnames in French are common in the country. The everyday language of the people is also laced with French words. African and Carib Amerindian roots of its population also influence Grenadian culture.

Ethnicity, Language, and Religion

Grenada is home to a population of around 112,207 individuals. Individuals of African descent account for 82.4% of Grenada’s population. Those of mixed descent and East Indians comprise 13.3% and 2.2% of the country’s population respectively.

English is the official language of Grenada. French patois is also spoken widely. 49.2% of Grenada’s population adheres to Protestant Christianity. Roman Catholics account for 36% of the population. Other Christian denominations are also active in the country.


Tourism, a major factor in the island’s economy, has been encouraged by the government. Air transport facilities have been improved, and the harbor is visited by numerous cruise ships.

Other sources of employment are such secondary industries as clothing manufacture, sugar milling, brewing, rum distilling (a strong white rum being made for local consumption), food canning, copra processing, cigarette manufacturing, and soap making. There is a cotton ginnery on Carriacou.

Also read: Grenada Independence Day

Grenada’s principal trading partner is the United States (US). Exports go largely to the United States, Germany, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Egypt, and other Caribbean countries. Most imports come from the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, and Barbados.