Berlin, 7 June 2023(TDI): Recognizing the significance of preserving the precious ecosystem of Amazonas, the German government has extended its support to Brazil in safeguarding the Amazonas.

In a bid to protect this invaluable rainforest, Germany has allocated a substantial amount of 55 million euros to the Amazonia Fund as an initial step. Moreover, numerous German-Brazilian projects are underway to bolster conservation efforts and foster sustainable practices.

Germany’s commitment to preserving the Amazonas goes beyond financial aid. The government aims to create incentives that facilitate better access to the European market for sustainable products while encouraging local value creation. By promoting the trade of environmentally-friendly goods, Germany seeks to ensure that economic growth aligns with ecological responsibility.

The recent change in leadership in Brazil has presented a unique opportunity to enhance trade relations between Europe and the Mercosur states. Germany intends to utilize this favorable climate to establish a sustainable free trade agreement that not only benefits economies but also serves as a powerful instrument in effectively safeguarding the rainforest.

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Such agreements have the potential to set an example for fair, sustainable and climate-friendly trade policies on a global scale.

Recognizing the broader implications of a sustainable free trade agreement, Germany is working diligently to expedite progress in this direction. By strengthening economic ties between Europe and the Mercosur states, the agreement can pave the way for a mutually beneficial partnership that prioritizes environmental protection.

The German government’s commitment to the Amazonas and sustainable trade is indicative of its determination to address pressing global challenges. By supporting Brazil’s conservation efforts and promoting responsible trade practices, Germany aims to create a sustainable future for both nature and economies.

The preservation of the Amazonas is a shared responsibility, and Germany is resolute in its endeavor to foster a harmonious balance between economic development and environmental conservation.