Berlin, 19 June 2023 (TDI): At the High-Level Pledging Conference on Sudan, Minister of State Katja Keul delivered a speech expressing gratitude to humanitarian workers and highlighting the urgent need for assistance in Sudan.

The country is currently grappling with a severe humanitarian crisis, with nearly two million people displaced and hundreds of thousands seeking refuge in neighboring countries.

Minister Keul expressed deep concern over the recent reports of violence in West Darfur, where people have been targeted and killed based on their ethnic identity.

She also emphasized that the eruption of violence has made humanitarian assistance even more challenging, if not impossible, in an already difficult environment.

The immediate priority, Minister Keul stressed, is to end hostilities and establish a sustainable ceasefire.

The conflicting parties, namely the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), must engage in meaningful talks without delay.

Furthermore, protection of civilians, adherence to international humanitarian law, and respect for human rights are paramount.

Highlighting the lack of access to affected areas, Minister Keul acknowledged the resilience operations that have resumed but underscored the need for unhindered humanitarian access. Humanitarian workers must be able to provide life-saving assistance without fear for their own lives. She called on Sudanese authorities to remove bureaucratic impediments and expedite visa issuance for humanitarian workers.

Recognizing the impact of the conflict on regional stability and livelihoods, Minister Keul emphasized the need to scale up assistance to vulnerable communities in Sudan and neighboring countries.

She expressed gratitude to the host countries for their hospitality and pledged Germany’s support, committing 200 million euros of humanitarian assistance to Sudan and the region until 2024.

Also Read: Albania expresses deep gratitude, urges action for Sudan’s crisis

Out of the total, 100 million euros are new commitments, contingent on access and the evolving security situation.

Minister Keul urged other nations to contribute to the humanitarian response in Sudan and the region, with nearly 25 million people depending on humanitarian assistance for survival.

Germany remained closely engaged in monitoring the situation on the ground and reiterated its commitment to supporting the restoration of political dialogue in Sudan, shaped by civilian and civil society participation.

The pledging conference highlighted the need for collective action and reinforced the imperative of international cooperation to alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people.