Paris, 5 July 2023 (TDI): France has expressed its absolute condemnation of the recent Russian strike on Pervomayskiy, located in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine.

The strike reportedly resulted in the tragic loss of approximately 40 lives, including a significant number of children.

The deliberate targeting of residential buildings in this attack constitutes a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. Such actions have no place in the modern world and are deemed as war crimes, as repeatedly emphasized by Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Catherine Colonna.

France firmly believes that these reprehensible acts must not go unpunished. The country remains committed to collaborating closely with its allies to extend military support to Ukraine. This assistance aims to strengthen Ukraine’s air defense capabilities, enabling the nation to better protect its population and territories.

Furthermore, France reaffirms its support for Ukrainian courts in their efforts to combat impunity for crimes of this nature.

Ensuring accountability for these heinous acts is crucial in upholding justice and deterring future violations, stated the statement by the French Foreign Ministry.

The French government stands in solidarity with Ukraine during the Russia-Ukraine war. It reiterates its commitment to working alongside international partners to address the ongoing conflict and strive for a peaceful resolution.

Also Read: France reaffirms support for UNRWA

France continues to actively engage in diplomatic efforts to promote dialogue and seek a peaceful settlement that respects Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

As the situation evolves, France will remain vigilant and continue its active involvement in supporting Ukraine.

The country also emphasizes the importance of upholding international law, promoting peace, and protecting the rights and lives of innocent civilians affected by the conflict.

France’s resolute condemnation of the Russian strike sends a strong message to the international community that such acts of aggression and disregard for human life will not be tolerated.

The pursuit of justice, accountability, and a peaceful resolution will remain at the forefront of France’s commitment to the Ukrainian people and the region as a whole.