Paris, 28 June 2023 (TDI): French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Catherine Colonna, held a crucial meeting on June 27, 2023, with Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

The primary focus of their discussion centered on the distressing situation faced by Palestinian refugees in the region. Particularly concerning was the exacerbation of food insecurity and malnutrition resulting from Russia’s ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine.

Minister Colonna emphatically reiterated France’s unwavering support for UNRWA, recognizing the agency’s indispensable role in providing crucial humanitarian aid and essential services to Palestinian refugees, with particular emphasis on health and education.

By delivering these vital services, UNRWA actively contributes to regional stability, which necessitates a just and mutually agreed settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the refugee situation.

In recent years, France has consistently increased its financial contributions to UNRWA. Notably, it currently stands as the sixth-largest contributor to UNRWA’s budget for 2023.

Moreover, France affirms its commitment to sustaining this substantial financial support in the years ahead, underscoring its dedication to addressing the pressing needs of Palestinian refugees and working towards finding a sustainable resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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By prioritizing dialogue and cooperation with UNRWA, France strives to create a path towards stability in the region, emphasizing the importance of addressing the underlying challenges faced by Palestinian refugees.

The international community closely observes the evolving situation, and France’s continued commitment to UNRWA’s efforts reinforces the collective determination to assist those affected by the refugee crisis.

By actively supporting UNRWA’s mission, France emphasizes the significance of humanitarian assistance, which serves as a crucial stepping stone towards a sustainable and equitable future for Palestinian refugees.

The meeting with Commissioner-General Lazzarini underscores France’s firm stance in advocating for the rights and well-being of Palestinian refugees.