Brussels, 19 September 2023 (TDI): The European Union (EU) Council granted its conclusive approval to a pioneering EU legislation to advance the digital exchange of information in terrorism-related cases between national authorities and Eurojust.

This decision signifies a substantial progression in sharing vital data concerning terrorism investigations and prosecutions. It guarantees that all EU member states and EU agencies have access to the most extensive and up-to-date terrorism case information.


Historically, member states have exchanged information related to terrorism with Eurojust through diverse, at times insecure, channels. Furthermore, the existing judicial counter-terrorism register cannot effectively cross-reference information.

The regulation also establishes a secure digital communication channel between member states and Eurojust, simplifying collaboration with third countries. Eurojust, the EU’s agency for criminal justice cooperation, plays a pivotal role in cross-border crime cases.

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Additionally, the regulation establishes a secure digital communication avenue between member states and Eurojust. This streamlines collaboration with third countries by granting liaison prosecutors seconded to Eurojust access to the case-management system.

As the EU agency for criminal justice cooperation, Eurojust plays a role in coordinating investigations and prosecutions of cross-border crimes in Europe, including terrorism-related cases.

Mandate for prompt reporting

By the new regulations, member states are to swiftly furnish Eurojust with information concerning criminal investigations concerning terrorism offences as soon as these cases reach the judicial authorities.

The proposal for this regulation was initially ratified in December 2021. The Council’s position attained consensus during the June 2022 Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting. In December 2022, the Council and the European Parliament harmoniously agreed on the regulation’s final text.

The regulation is scheduled for effect on the twentieth day following its publication in the Official Journal of the EU. It will be directly enforceable across all EU member states. This legislation epitomizes a significant stride towards bolstering cooperation and coordination in addressing terrorism-related challenges.

EU Council on terrorism

Cindy Onwukeme is a PR writer with a BSc in Political Science and International Relations. She's passionate about conflict resolution and is currently interning as a contributor at The Diplomatic Insight, a renowned international affairs publication. Beyond her career, Cindy Onwukeme enjoys exploring culinary delights and has acquired taste in music, adding depth to her diverse interests.