New York, 23 September 2023 (TDI): Andorra’s Prime Minister, Xavier Espot Zamora affirmed commitment to sustainable development during a week of productive diplomacy in New York, where he also engaged in a significant meeting with the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, António Guterres.

During this meeting, Prime Minister Espot reaffirmed Andorra’s commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) listed in the 2030 Agenda during the United Nations General Assembly.

Read Also: UN Secretary-General urges global plan to rescue SDGs

He stressed the value of cooperation on an international scale, encouraging teamwork, and defending human rights. Additionally, he emphasized that the 2030 Agenda is more than simply a piece of paper but a map for establishing Andorra’s policy.

In particular, it influences Andorra’s actions in critical areas like tackling climate change, ensuring children’s rights, and promoting equality.

Further delegations

Prime Minister Espot had substantive conversations with his counterparts from Monaco and San Marino in addition to this crucial meeting.

Accompanied by Foreign Affairs Minister, Imma Tor, Espot held discussions with Monaco’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Isabelle Berro Amadeï, and San Marino’s Minister for Foreign and Political Affairs, Federica Bigi.

Through these conversations, the progress and state of the negotiations for the Association Agreement with the European Union (EU) was assessed.

During these discussions, the leaders also broadened their dialogue to cover shared goals among the three nations. This opened doors for potential collaborative efforts across various fields.

Prime Minister Xavier Bettel of Luxembourg also joined Xavier Espot to review Andorra’s ongoing negotiations with the EU.

Furthermore, Espot stressed the importance of securing a favorable position for Andorra within the European landscape.

He underlined its potential benefits for businesses, workers, and the youth. In response, Luxembourg reaffirmed its strong support for Andorra throughout the talks.

These diplomatic gatherings, which took place within the scheme of the United Nations General Assembly, strengthened Andorra’s global relationships and helped align priorities and perspectives with partner countries.