Havana, 3 January 2022 (TDI): The Chairman of Pakistan Senate, Sadiq Sanjarni advocated for increased inter-parliamentary interaction between Cuba and Pakistan. The Ambassador of Cuba to Pakistan, Zener Caro expressed gratitude for the demonstration of interest from Sadiq Sanjarni. 

The Chairman of the Senate of Pakistan advocated further strengthening relations between Cuba and Pakistan. It occurred on the day of celebration of Liberation day in Cuba. Peace, stability, cooperation, and development are the ideals both want to reach in their relationship. 

In addition, the inter-parliamentary domain is another area where both countries want to work together. A parliament is indeed a body of a state that is the voice of its people. So since both nations aspire for their citizens a good life, working in this area is a good start. 



National Day of Cuba

Cuba, on the 1st of January, celebrates Liberation Day. It is a day that is special for two accounts. Firstly, in the final time of the nineteenth century, a series of independence wars between Cuban and Spaniard colonialist rulers was at its peak.

For instance, the war of 1898 between the Spanish and Americans was a war that finally shifted the future of Spain in the American continent. Moreover, on the 1st of January 1899, Cuba became independent from Spain.

Secondly, this day is relevant because it’s also a celebration of the end of a dictatorship on the Cuban island. This circumstance was due to the mandate of Fulgencio Batista after 4 years of mandate in the 1940s.

Batista organized a coup to stay in power. Then the party of Fidel Castro launched an insurrection to end the new unconstitutional mandate. This confrontation also stopped on the 1st of January of 1959.

Cuba and Pakistan Relationship

Cuba and Pakistan established diplomatic relations in 1955. Both states collaborate in agriculture, industry, education, and military cooperation and now both nations will include inter-parliamentary interaction to get benefits when interacting together.

In addition, both have representatives in their respective states. Cuba has its Embassy in Pakistan Islamabad and Pakistan in Cuba in Havana. The relationship took a more amicable turn when Cuba helped Pakistan during the Kashmir earthquake, and until today both parties expressed their will to continue working together.

Both nations also interact in the multilateral sphere. Pakistan and Cuba are members of the same international organizations that foster cooperation among different countries. They are part of the United Nations (UN), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Health Organization(WHO).
