Pretoria, 24 August 2023 (TDI): President Xi Jinping engaged in constructive talks with South African President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa at Pretoria’s Union Buildings during his state visit to Strengthen Ties.

The discussions revolved around advancing China-South Africa relations in the new era and addressing global and regional issues of mutual concern.

Both leaders demonstrated a shared commitment to elevating the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two nations, with the goal of establishing a high-quality China-South Africa community with a shared future.

Set against the vibrant backdrop of Pretoria’s Union Buildings, this significant meeting transpired on August 22.

Amidst waving national flags and a salute of rifles, President Xi Jinping was warmly received by President Ramaphosa upon arrival.

The formalities included playing national anthems, a 21-gun salute, and a guard of honor review.

During the talks that followed the welcoming ceremony, President Xi Jinping emphasized the dynamic growth of China-South Africa relations, marked by mutual support and development-oriented collaboration.

He put forward four proposals to guide their partnership:

First is mutual trust through strategic partnership, to strengthen ties across legislatures, parties, military, and subnational governments, supporting core interests, and fostering unity.

Secondly, both countries should be development partners focussing on Belt and Road cooperation and implementing joint programs to enhance cooperation and drive economic growth.

Third, building friendly ties by enhancing vocational education, cultural exchange, technological cooperation, and tourism for the benefit of both peoples.

Lastly, upholding justice, supporting South Africa’s international role, and collaborating on global initiatives for the betterment of developing nations.

Furthermore, President Xi Jinping highlighted that over the past few years, the BRICS nations have demonstrated a commitment to the core values of openness, inclusivity, and mutually beneficial collaboration.

Together, they have crafted a remarkable narrative where countries with diverse systems, cultures, and geographical locations unite to foster progress.

On the other hand, President Ramaphosa expressed gratitude for China’s unwavering support and the positive impact of bilateral relations over the years.

He welcomed closer exchanges, investment, and cooperation across various sectors and highlighted the alignment of their international stances.

Both leaders underlined the importance of unity, especially in the face of global challenges.

Read more: China, South Africa to collaborate for mutual interest

They expressed readiness to collaborate on international initiatives and to co-host the China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue, to strengthen ties and international cooperation.

The two presidents witnessed the signing of bilateral cooperation documents on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), infrastructure, new energy, agricultural products, special economic zones, industrial parks, blue economy, technological innovation, and higher education.

The leaders also issued a joint statement affirming their commitment to the comprehensive strategic partnership and South-South cooperation.