Beijing, 10 January 2022 (TDI): Chinese President, Xi Jinping called the Maltese President, George Vella, today. In the call, President Xi highlighted that China will join hands with Malta to further boost bilateral ties as the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations approaches. 

President Xi pointed out that Malta is an old and good friend of China that can stand up to time. He lauded the fruitful results acquired through bilateral collaboration on all fronts, despite the changes seen during the past half-decade.

In addition, he stated that China is ready to join hands with Malta to enable greater expansion of China-Malta relations as the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties approaches.

Xi emphasized that China will deepen collaboration with the European country in trade and investment, clean energy, medical service, transportation, and logistics, among many others.

Malta has proven to be a positive force in pushing forward the China-Europe relationship and China will maintain the prevailing trajectory of China-Europe cooperation that includes Malta to foster the stable and healthy development of China-Europe ties.

Likewise, China is willing to partner with Malta, as well as the international community at large, to practice true multilateralism along with joining hands to build a community with a shared future for humanity.

Maltese President on his part, spoke highly of bilateral ties and said that the friendship between China and Malta has stood up to the challenges, including the prevalent COVID-19 pandemic.

He stressed that relations between the two countries have matured day by day, and can be regarded as an example of country-to-country relationships. Furthermore, he pledged to increase high-level exchanges with China and push for collaboration in all respects.

George Vella also ensured Malta’s support for the one-China policy as well as its firm adherence to multilateralism. He also expressed well wishes for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, which will convene next month.