Moroni, 7 January 2022 (TDI): State Councilor and Foreign Minister of China, Wang Yi called on the Comorian President, Azali Assoumani. Wang Yi was visiting Comoros upon invitation during his East Africa tour.

During the meeting, Azali requested Wang Yi to communicate his greetings and fervent wishes to the President of China, Xi Jinping. He stated that the Chinese Foreign Minister’s visit to the country in the Covid-19 pandemic situation illustrates the significance China gives to the strategic partnership as well as the amicable friendship between the two countries.

The Comorian President highlighted that China has a special place in the hearts of the Comorians and they are delighted by China’s developmental achievements as well as national rejuvenation.

The development of China provides opportunities to Comoros and the success of China means the success of Africa. President Azali Assoumani reiterated that Comoros will always stand beside China and uphold that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China and it will certainly be reunified.

He thanked China for its help in the social and economic development of Comoros as well as the assistance in the Comorian fight against the pandemic and malaria. Furthermore, he appreciated the crucial role played by Chinese businesses in the improvement of people’s livelihood and construction of infrastructure in Comoros.

Azali Assoumani further enunciated that Comoros expects more support from China to promote the “Emerging Comoros Plan 2030” strategy.

Wang Yi, the Chinese Foreign Minister on his part conveyed greetings from President Xi Jinping and appreciated Comorian support for China’s legitimate positions. He stated that China will stand firmly with Comoros on issues pertaining to Comorian sovereignty, national dignity, and territorial integrity.

He expressed that ever since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Comoros, trust and support have created a model of equal exchanges between states of various sizes and distinct phases of development.

Besides, China is keen to expand mutually beneficial cooperation, deepen political mutual trust with Comoros, and stand as the long-lasting and most reliable partner of Comoros.

Wang Yi underscored that China will help Comoros to achieve universal immunization within this year, completely eliminate malaria by 2025, and support Comoros in the “Emerging Comoros Plan 2030” development strategy.

China is willing to work on the basis of full scientific demonstration and feasibility studies with Comoros to boost collaboration. Wang Yi further enunciated that FOCAC is the most significant forum for China and Africa cooperation.

Additionally, China supports Comoros to utilize its advantages as an African Union and League of Arab States member. Chinese Foreign Minister also held a meeting with Comorian Foreign Minister, Dhoihir Dhoulkamal on the same day.