Islamabad, 9 February 2023 (TDI): The Charge d’ Affairs of the Chinese Embassy to Pakistan, Pang Chunxue praised the Paki­stan and Chinese scientists for their services and cooperation.

She expressed these views at a ceremony held to celebrate the landmark of China-Pakistan Space Science and Technology cooperation on the eve of the return of Pakistani Seeds from Chinese Space at COMSTECH Auditorium.

The ceremony was attended by the political leadership, diplomats, scientists, Technologists, Professionals, and senior officers of the ministry and its attached organizations.

Pakistan and China representatives at the ceremony celebrating Space Science collaboration milestone
Pakistan and China representatives at the ceremony celebrating Space Science collaboration milestone
Remarks by Pang Chunxue

While addressing the ceremony, Pang emphasized that cooperation in Science and Technology (S&T) is an important part of China-Pakistan bilateral relations. Both countries had jointly funded more than 475 re­search projects.

In this vein, she added, “Scholars from both sides have jointly published more than 8,000 international papers in 2021, which is 13 times than that in 2013 when the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was launched.”

She said that both countries are committed to building a closer community with a shared future, through open and inclusive cooperation, for their peoples’ benefit and the nation’s prosperity.

Also read: Pakistan, China celebrate Space Science collaboration milestone

Pang urged all the member states of the United Nations (UN) to participate in space exploration with China. Along these lines, she highlighted that the Chinese Space Station is an important part of the UN’s “Global Shared Space.”

Pang recalled the successful meeting between Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Chinese President Xi Jinping during Sharif’s visit to Beijing. She declared the event as a vivid example of implementing the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries.

“We firmly believe that by deepening cooperation and working together for common development, we will surely bring more benefits to the two peoples and prosperity of the two countries.” Chinese Charge d’ Affairs concluded.

Highlights of the ceremony

The ceremony titled “China-Pakistan Space Science and Technology Cooperation”, followed the Pakistani seed’s travel to space. They sojourned there for six months in a unique environment consisting of microgravity and cosmic radiation.

The Ministry of Science and Technology jointly organized it with the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Pakistan, COMSTECH, and the International Center for Chemical and Biological Center at the University of Karachi.

Federal Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives, Ahsan Iqbal also attended the ceremony. The project provides a platform for researchers to share knowledge and resources, leading to economic growth.

This project is a cornerstone in advancing space science, herbal medicine, and research. Notably, sending seeds for short trips to space helps scientists develop new varieties that can thrive in the changing climate.

It also helps feed the world’s growing population and treat incurable diseases. China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) launched Pakistani herbal seeds into outer space in June 2022. It returned them safely to the earth in December after six months of flying.