Karachi, 30 August 2022 (TDI): The Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, Nong Rong flew today to Karachi to receive the first shipment of 3,000 tents supplied by the Chinese government.

He also handed over a $300,000 immediate monetary aid on the behalf of the Red Cross Society of China to Abrar ul Haq, the Chairman of the Pakistan Red Crescent Society, for flood disaster victims.

The consignment is part of China’s 100 million RMB aid package, which also includes 25,000 tents and other relief goods. China is working on a fast track to help Pakistan.

Ambassador Nong Rong also addressed the hand-over ceremony of $300,000 emergency cash assistance for the Pakistani flood disaster-affected people.

Ambassador Nong Rong’s Speech on the occasion

H.E. Mr. Abrar ul Haq, Chairman PRCS,

H(er).E. Ms. Zahra Baloch, Additional Secretary of  Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Dr. Adeel Nawaz, Secretary General PRCS,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Assalamu Alaikum!

It’s my honor to represent the Red Cross Society of China in the handover of $300,000 in emergency cash assistance to the Pakistan Red Crescent Society for the flood disaster-affected people.

First of all, I would like to welcome the presence of the Chairman and Secretary General of PRCS. At this critical moment, you and your team are playing a very important role in fighting against the flood, and to inject much-needed hope into the general public.

My special thanks go to Additional Secretary Baloch. Thanks for gracing the function on such short notice. You and the esteemed Ministry are doing a great job in showing the outside world, that the international community stands with Pakistan in addressing the challenges.

I would also like to thank all the journalists here today. Your coverage of the ceremony, and your reports on China’s assistance, all contribute to the development of the China-Pakistan friendship. We appreciate that.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Pakistan is now facing a severe flood disaster, which caused many casualties and heavy economic losses. We share the agony of those people who are caught in difficulties and troubles.

The Chinese people always remember when the Wenchuan earthquake hit China in 2008, Pakistan donated all the tents in storage to stricken areas.

When Pakistan is hit by the flood, the Chinese government expressed concern and sympathy for the first time. This afternoon, I attended the first batch of 3000 tents hand-over ceremony under the China Emergency Humanitarian Assistance.

It is a part of our donation package worthy of 100 Million RMB, including 25,000 tents and other relief materials.

Besides that, All-Pakistan Chinese Enterprises’ Association (APCEA) has donated 15 Million Rupees to the PM Flood Relief Fund.

Some of the Chinese enterprises in Pakistan are still working on providing more relief materials and cash donations to the local community, and the Chinese Government also promises to support Pakistan’s post-disaster reconstruction and promote bilateral cooperation in both disaster prevention and mitigation.

Yesterday, Chinese President Xi Jinping sent his Message of Sympathy over the flood disaster to Pakistani President Arif Alvi, expressing that China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners with a long tradition of mutual assistance, and China will continue to help and assist Pakistan’s relief work.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang also gave his Message of Sympathy to Prime Minister Shahbaz Shareef on the same day. I am sure through our joint efforts, we will overcome the difficulties.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Disasters have no emotion, but people do. Our actions of support and assistance highlight our ironclad brotherhood that shares weal and woe.

Quoting President Xi Jinping as saying, “When brothers come together, there is nothing they cannot achieve”, I strongly believe that with the joint efforts of the Pakistani Government and people, Pakistan is sure to overcome the flood disaster at an early date.

Chin-Pak Dosti Zindabad!

Thank you!

China’s help to Pakistan during Natural Disasters

This latest help and assistance by China during Pakistan’s hour of need is not something new. When in 2005, a devastating earthquake struck Pakistan, the People’s Republic of China government offered US$6.2 million in emergency aid to earthquake victims.

On October 9, 2005, a 49-member multinational rescue team and the first batch of rescue materials were transported to Pakistan.

On October 10, 2005, $1 million in cash was paid out. Rescue teams equipped with sniffer dogs were deployed across the region to look for and rescue any survivors.

Likewise, China announced a $10 million grant for the citizen’s compensation programme for flood victims in 2010, as well as a $400 million concession loan to assist in meeting their needs.

China also continued to assist Pakistan in the aftermath of the floods, providing financial and technical assistance for disaster prevention and forecasting technology.