Beijing, 22 February 2022 (TDI): Beijing Winter Olympics are a victory for China, the Olympic organization, and the entire world. Beijing Winter Olympics came to an end after more than six years of preparation and 16 days of thrilling competition.

These remarks were made by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin, during the regular conference press conference. The Xinhua News Agency asked him about his remarks on the successful closing of the Beijing Winter Olympics Games 2022.

The event ended with International Olympic Committee (IOC) President calling it an exceptional Olympic Games.

Olympics 2022 Closing Ceremony
Closing Ceremony of Winter Olympics 2022

He continued to say that China has delivered on its promise to provide the world with a smooth, safe, and spectacular Olympics. Throughout the planning and holding of the Games, a green, inclusive, open, and clean approach was taken.

Unprecedented to Olympic history, Beijing was the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. The professional and fair competition environment has impressed the world.

Further addressing the pandemic matter Wang Wenbin said, the strong and effective COVID-19 protocols have set a successful example for the hosting of major international events, and the green, low-carbon, and sustainable approach will be cherished as part of the rich legacy of Beijing 2022.

Bold and effective measures regarding COVID-19 protocols were established, setting a good example for holding big international events. In addition to this, the green, low-carbon, and sustainable approach will always be remembered as part of the rich tradition of Beijing 2022.

During the Beijing Winter Olympics, the Olympic spirit was fully respected. Around 3,000 winter sports Olympians representing 91 countries  and different regions pushed themselves to greater levels, establishing two world records and 17 Olympic records while living up to the Olympic slogan of “Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together.”

Beijing 2022 has become the Winter Olympic Games with the most events, gold medals, and huge streaming. Beijing ushered in a new era for ice and snow sports around the world.

He then brought up the positive aspects of the Olympics by saying, the Olympics not only bring warmth and hope to people all over the world but bring something to enjoy in a hard winter in the pandemic.

It also injects the power of peace and unity into this unpredictable international political community. Athletes from other countries respect and cheer for one another, wishing their opponents the best, and sending encouraging words when their performance falls short of expectations.

These touching pictures from the Olympics demonstrate that the force of unity is far more powerful than the force of division. By concluding his answer by giving remarks for IOC, Wang Wenbin said, we would want to express our gratitude to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as well as friends from all walks of life in all nations who have been following and participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Beijing has completed its promise and the Olympics have sent the message of peace around the world. China is joyous to continue working with the world community to promote the Olympic Movement’s development and to help mankind achieve a brighter future.