Beijing, 28 February 2022 (TDI): Chinese Foreign Ministry denounced the US allegations the US had continually notified China about Russia’s preparation for military operation in Ukraine.

The US claims that it had also urged China to step in. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Wang Wenbin at the regular press conference firmly opposed the US’ fabrication of information to vilify China.

Wang Wenbin said that he had taken note that Thomas Friedman and Tulsi Gabbard criticized China’s role in the Ukraine crisis and emphasized that the US needs introspection regarding its own behavior.

Hua Chunying, also a Spokesperson at the Chinese Foreign Ministry tweeted on her Twitter account that if the US and NATO really wanted to avert escalation, they could’ve guaranteed that Ukraine won’t become a part of Ukraine.

Thomas Friedman is a US expert on international issues whilst Tulsi Gabbard is a former member of the US House of Representatives. The Spokesperson underscored that China has always determined its own position and policy based on the merits of the matter itself.

Likewise, it has always stood on the side of peace, cooperation, and justice. Wang Wenbin remarked that the Chinese President, Xi Jinping recently talked with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, as well as the French President, Emmanuel Macron, and other leaders.

He pointed out that China supports the settlement of the Ukraine crisis via negotiation and called on all parties to strive for an all-around solution to the problem through dialogue and consultation.

He further enunciated that China has always adhered to the principle that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries must be respected and upheld. On the prevalent Ukraine Crisis, he stated that China believes that there is a complex historical background.

China believes that there is a complicated historical background as well as context on the Ukraine issue. Moreover, China understands Russia’s legitimate security concerns.

China believes that a balanced, effective, and sustainable European security mechanism must be finally established through dialogue and negotiation.