HomeNewsDiplomatic NewsChina and Russia's statement on disarmament at UNGA

China and Russia’s statement on disarmament at UNGA


Beijing, 9 October 2021 (TDI): On 7th October, Russia and China at the UNGA First Committee on Disarmament & International Security issued a joint statement of foreign ministers.  They discussed strengthening the Convention on the interdiction of the production, stockpiling of bacteriological, toxin weapons and their destruction.

Therefore, in Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian’s press conference which was held on Friday, a Chinese local news agency asked Zhao to brief more about the statement and China’s position.

In answer he stated, this joint statement from Russia and China is the first to be made on this topic. It illustrates the prestigious China-Russian strategic collaboration in a new age, as well as their strong persistence and responsible attitude towards global biosecurity and multilateralism.

The Joint Declaration stresses that BWC is a key pillar of international security and stability. Therefore, it should be fully executed. It is essential to establish multilateral monitoring and verification mechanisms as early as possible.

The statement calls on the US to explicate their military biology activities, both at home and internationally, and to stop blocking the establishment of verification programs.

Zhao said that the position taken by Russia and China is under the consensus reached by the international community.

Over 100 countries at a lately BWC conference demanded to resume negotiations for a verification protocol, in order to establish an early verifiable regime.

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