Islamabad, 11 June 2022 (TDI): Chairman of the Pakistani Senate, Muhammad Sadiq Sanjarani, along with the members of the Senate belonging to different political parties in recorded protest in front of the Indian High Commission in Islamabad.

The protest was against the blasphemous statements by BJP Spokesperson, Nupur Sharma. On the occasion, Chairman Senate said that all Muslims are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم).

He said that such sacrilegious comments are unacceptable and should be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

Sadiq Sanjarani said that Nupur Sharma’s comments have not only hurt the Muslim Ummah but have also exposed the ugly face of the Indian Government to the whole world.

The blasphemous statement has been strongly condemned by both Houses of Parliament and the people of Pakistan are expressing their deep grief and anger, he added.

Chairman Senate further said that Muslims across the globe are willing to sacrifice their lives and property for the sake of the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم).

Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Dr. Shehzad Waseem, and other Senators in their speeches strongly condemned the blasphemous statements. Senators Keshoo Bai and Danesh Kumar said that no religion allows any such disrespect for another religion.

Both Senators from the minority group said that minorities in Pakistan enjoy complete religious freedom & have never been subject to religious harassment by Muslims. In Pakistan, people of all religions perform their religious rites with complete freedom, they added.

Deputy Chairman Senate Mirza Muhammad Afridi, Leader of Opposition Dr. Shehzad Waseem, Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, Azam Swati, Fowzia Arshad, Seemi Ezdi and Abdul Qadir, and others accompanied Chairmen Senate in the protest outside Indian High Commission after Friday prayers in Islamabad.

Earlier this week, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) suspended its Spokeswoman, Nupur Sharma, and expelled Delhi Media Cell head, Naveen Kumar Jindal, after Muslim nations demanded apologies from the Indian government and summoned diplomats to protest against anti-Islamic remarks made during a TV debate.

Chairman Senate