As China solidifies its position as a significant participant on the global stage, apprehensions regarding its motives are also increasing. Many are concerned about China’s rise to power and question whether it will emulate the patterns of past great powers and adopt the approach of colonization.

Upon closer examination of China’s role as a member of the global community, it becomes evident that concerns regarding its potential for colonization are without merit. China’s approach to international relations is distinguished by a firm commitment to international law and an emphasis on cooperation and collaboration to resolve conflicts peacefully.

According to Western critics, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is equivalent to economic imperialism, creating a debt trap for developing nations. The ultimate objective of the BRI, as asserted by these critics, is to establish a sphere of influence resembling that of the British Empire, albeit in contemporary times.

The initiative has faced criticism due to its potential to impose debt burdens on developing countries and establish a form of economic reliance on China. The argument is based on the aim to create a vast network of infrastructure across Asia, Europe, and Africa, with China as the central hub.

BRI map
China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is an extensive plan to construct infrastructure and facilitate policy coordination across Asia, eastern Africa, and Eurasia.

Although China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has faced criticism from Western observers who view it as economic imperialism, it has nonetheless significantly promoted economic growth in developing countries by emphasizing trade and mutual benefit.

The BRI has established numerous partnerships and facilitated trade and liberalization with 140 member states. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the initiative’s positive impact on developing nations.

Moreover, China’s membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) further underscores its commitment to free trade and its advocacy for reforms to make the organization more representative of the interests of developing countries.

Thus, China’s emphasis on trade and economic cooperation has driven the BRI and other initiatives to promote economic growth and international relations.

It is worth noting that China’s foreign policy approach does not solely revolve around domination and control, contrary to some critiques. Historically, China has significantly emphasized cultural pride and fostered positive relations with other nations. This approach has enabled China to advance its interests while promoting international cooperation and collaboration.

China’s policies have been subject to criticism from the West, particularly the United States, which has highlighted several aspects of concern. These include China’s human rights record, assertiveness in the South China Sea, and response to protests in Hong Kong. However, the Chinese government has disputed many of the claims made by Western countries and organizations. In many cases, Chinese officials have denied the allegations and argued that they are unfounded or based on misinformation.

China’s emphasis on economic relations and political influence manifests a practical strategy that endeavors to advance its interests without resorting to military force or direct control. This approach has enabled China to establish itself as a significant economic power and a consequential player in global politics.

A thorough examination of China’s foreign policy requires an understanding of its cultural identity and historical perspective on its global role. China’s cultural pride and sense of identity as a respected global leader make it improbable to engage in activities that contradict these values, such as colonization.

Adopting a nuanced and contextualized approach when discussing China’s foreign policy is imperative. This involves avoiding simplistic generalizations and unwarranted apprehension and delving deeper into the intricate details and complexities of China’s approach to foreign relations.

China’s approach to international relations differs from the criticisms it has faced. The country is recognized for its commitment to international law and prioritization of collaboration and cooperation to find peaceful resolutions to crises.

For instance, China released the Global Security Initiative framework for the political settlement of Ukraine and urged European countries to play a constructive role in resolving the crisis, which is an excellent example of China’s commitment to working with other countries to overcome international crises.

Moreover, China’s commitment to advancing human rights and cooperation in international affairs is further demonstrated by its belief in using the UN as a platform for constructive dialogue and cooperation rather than as a battleground for political manipulation.

In addition, China’s approach towards modernization has the potential to significantly contribute to the global community, as evident during the recent online summit, “Path towards Modernization: The Responsibility of Political Parties,” which presented an alternative route for humanity to follow. The summit also provided a comprehensive framework to promote harmony in cultural and ethical relationships among individuals.

Read more: China to host World Political Parties Summit on Modernization

China’s efforts to advance global governance, improve connectivity, and modernize states demonstrate a rejection of the colonization agenda.

Despite potential concerns regarding certain actions taken by China, it is crucial to acknowledge China’s dedication to upholding international law, promoting cooperation, and addressing global challenges.

Collaboration among nations, including China, holds promise for achieving peaceful and constructive resolutions to global crises. China’s endeavors are a testament to its commitment to a more harmonious and cooperative global community and it should continue pursuing initiatives to foster positive global transformation, guided by a vision of a shared future.


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