Azerbaijan congratulates Turkiye on Victory day

Azerbaijan congratulates Turkiye on Victory day
Azerbaijan congratulates Turkiye on Victory day

Baku, 30 August 2022 (TDI): The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan congratulated Turkiye on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Victory Day which first took place on 30 August 1922.

The Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan wrote that they heartily congratulate brother Turkiye on this occasion. He further wished for the strong and unshakeable independence of Turkiye.

Also read: Azerbaijani President arrives in Turkey 

Turkish Victory Day (Zafer Bayrami)

August 30, Victory day is the most important national day for Turkiye. This day has great historical value for the people of Turkiye. Victory day commemorates the victory of Turkey over Greek forces in the battle of Dumlupinar (1922).

The battle determined the outcome of the Turkish war of Independence (1919-1923).

The Battle of Dumlupinar is also known as the field battle of Commander-in-Chief. It is named so as the Commander in chief of the Turkish army, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk won the war. The occupying forces left the country and August 30 became a symbol of this victory.

Victory day was first celebrated in 1924 in the village of Cal in Dumlupinar. the occasion was known as the Victory of the Commander-in-chief Day but changed to Victory Day in 1926. This day also honors the founder of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

Celebrations of Victory Day

People all across Turkiye and in the Northern part of Cyprus celebrate Victory Day with great enthusiasm and joy. The Turkish republic and the Turkish military celebrate this holiday. The main celebration occurs at Ataturk’s Mausoleum in Ankara.

At the mausoleum, the president of Turkiye delivers a speech and leads the officials in laying circlets. there are announcements regarding the military advancements in a ceremony at the War Academy in Istanbul on this day. The celebrations include parades in all of the nation’s major cities, including one in Ankara.

In Turkiye, military schools hold their graduation ceremonies on August 30. In Dumlupnar, The Turkish Stars perform an airshow. Major cities host nighttime holiday performances to pay tribute to the men and women who have served in the armed forces.

The Commander-in-Chief of Turkiye and the President host a function in the Presidential Complex.