HomeDiplomatic NewsAmbassadorsAmbassador Zhang Jun condemns US veto on Gaza resolution

Ambassador Zhang Jun condemns US veto on Gaza resolution


New York, 21 February 2024 (TDI): Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, expressed strong disappointment over United States veto on a draft resolution presented for a vote in the United Nations Security Council that would have demanded an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza.

The Security Council on Tuesday, failed to adopt the Algerian sponsored draft resolution aiming for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza owing to a negative vote of the United States, a permanent member of the UN Security Council. 

The draft resolution, sponsored by Algeria, was supported by 13 members of the council, but was vetoed by the United States of America. Britain abstained from the vote.

Contents of draft resolution

The draft resolution put forward for a vote by United Nations Security Council, called for an immediate halt to all hostilities and attacks against civilians in Gaza.

Moreover, it also condemned the forced displacement of the Palestinian people and urged the parties to respect international humanitarian law and human rights.

The draft resolution further demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by both sides.

Concerns of United States

The US ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, argued that the Algerian draft resolution would undermine the ongoing efforts to reach a hostage deal between Israel and Hamas.

In addition, she said that the US was working on an alternative draft resolution that would propose a “temporary cease-fire” contingent on the release of all hostages.

Reaction from other states

The Chinese ambassador said the US claim that the Algerian draft resolution would interfere with the diplomatic efforts was totally untenable.

He said that the continued avoidance of an immediate ceasefire “is nothing different from giving a green light to the continued slaughter.” 

Furthermore, he added that only by “extinguishing the fires of war in Gaza we can prevent the fires of hell from engulfing the entire region.” 

He stressed that the Security Council had a legal duty to take action to end the war in Gaza and to protect the civilians.

The Russian ambassador to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, accused the US of giving Israel “a license to kill” and of violating international law.

Furthermore, he urged the Security Council members to “counter the lawlessness of Washington.” He also said that the US bore full responsibility for the consequences of its veto.

Read Also: China stands with peace and humanity on Palestine Issue

He said that the US veto sent a wrong message and pushed the situation in Gaza into a more dangerous one.

The French ambassador to the United Nations, Nicholas de Riviere, regretted that the draft resolution was not adopted given the disastrous situation on the ground.

He said that there was an extreme urgency to conclude an agreement on a cease-fire that would guarantee the protection of all civilians and the delivery of emergency aid. He said that the Israeli operations in Gaza must stop.


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