New York, 24 August 2022 (TDI): Albania, joined the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) States Parties for a joint statement at the UNSC’s briefing on Tuesday. The briefing centerd around the worsening security & political situation in Sudan.

Brazil, Gabon, Ghana, France, Ireland, Mexico, Norway, the UK, Ecuador, Japan, Malta, and Switzerland were also present.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor, Karim A. A. Khan, presented the 35th report to the UNSC on the situation in Darfur, in accordance with resolution 1593.

Resolution 1593 was adopted on 31 March 2005, after receiving a report by the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur.

The Council referred the situation in the Darfur region of Sudan to the ICC and required Sudan to co-operate fully.

Albania at the UNSC Briefing

At the UNSC’s briefing on the ICC on the situation in Sudan, Albania called for cooperation between the Sudanese authorities and the ICC. Moreover, the Albanian Officials also urged to respect the Memorandum of Understanding Agreement (MoU).

The agreement between two bilateral or more multilateral parties expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action.

The MoU between the Government of Sudan (GoS) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) provides principles for the governance of Sudan including provisions for self-governance, elections, and wealth sharing.

Also read: Russian Deputy Representative on UNSC Sudan

In addition to that, the officials urged to respect the Juba Peace Agreement signed in Sudan in October 2020.

It focuses on a wide range of areas, including governance, security, and transitional justice, and is intended to inform the future constitutional negotiation process.

Likewise, the official told the Sudanese Authorities to respect the UNSC Resolution 1593. Moreover, following the briefing by the ICC prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan on Darfur, Albania joined the UNSC’s States parties to Rome Statue for a press stakeout.

They jointly welcomed Karim Khan’s visit to Sudan and called Sudan to support and cooperate with the International criminal court.

The situation in Darfur, Sudan

Also known as the Land cruiser war, the situation in Darfur can be dubbed a major armed conflict in the Darfur region of Sudan.

It began in February 2003 when the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) rebel groups began fighting against the government of Sudan.

It was against the Government’s disregard for the western region and its non-Arab population. The militias prevented international aid organizations from delivering food and medical supplies.

By 2007 the conflict and resulting humanitarian crisis had left hundreds of thousands of people dead and more than two million displaced, internally as well as externally.

After the events, UNSC made a joint UN-AU peacekeeping mission (UNAMID) to replace the African Union which was present there before. After many peace agreements and international intervention into the conflict, the war still goes on.

In April 2022, New attacks by armed Arab assailants on civilians in West Darfur have left hundreds dead, thousands displaced, and hundreds of civilian homes scorched, and property looted.