HomeWorldAsiaChinese Foreign Minister urges development of China-US relations

Chinese Foreign Minister urges development of China-US relations


Munich, 18 February 2024 (TDI): On February 16, 2024, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during the Munich Security Conference, urging for the development of China-US relations.

During a meeting with United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken, both sides engaged in candid discussions.

Wang Yi stressed the necessity of translating the shared vision articulated during the meeting into tangible actions, thereby fostering healthy bilateral ties. He also emphasized the imperative of ensuring steady and sustainable China-US relations.

Transitioning from a successful meeting between the heads of state the previous year, where crucial consensus was reached on strategic matters pertaining to China-US relations, Wang Yi underscored the pivotal task at hand for both nations which was translating shared visions into tangible actions to foster healthy China-US bilateral ties.

China-US Cooperation

Key to achieving this, Wang Yi stressed, is adhering to principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation.

He called upon the US to adopt an objective and pragmatic policy toward China’s development, ensuring China-US commitments translate into concrete actions.

Addressing the Taiwan issue, Wang Yi reiterated the non-negotiable status of Taiwan as part of China. Wang Yi urged adherence to the one-China principle, cautioning against support for “Taiwan independence.”

Furthermore, Wang Yi forewarned against misguided strategies such as “de-sinicization” or decoupling from China, reminding of potential backlashes on US interests.

Also Read: Foreign Minister Wang Yi calls for stable China-UK relations

Additionally, the Chinese Foreign Minister urged the lifting of unilateral sanctions and discussed enhancing people-to-people exchanges.

Looking ahead, both sides expressed commitment to sustaining dialogue across various fields. It includes countering narcotics and addressing pressing regional issues affecting China-US ties.

They agreed on the importance of maintaining communication channels to effectively tackle challenges within the framework of China-US relations.

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