Beijing, 20 March 2023 (TDI): In Beijing, the third round of Pakistan-China Bilateral Political Consultations (BPC) was held. Foreign Secretary of Pakistan, Dr. Asad Majeed Khan led the Pakistani delegation.

While Deputy Foreign Minister Sun Weidong led the China team. The BPC is a regular institutional process that Pakistan and China use.

The two sides reviewed their bilateral relations and resolved to strengthen and deepen political and security cooperation, bilateral commerce, economic and financial cooperation, cultural exchanges, tourism, and people-to-people contacts.

Pakistan and China will also strengthen high-level contacts and conversation mechanisms, as well as communication channels.

As the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) entered its tenth year, both parties reaffirmed their commitment to the project.

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The project continues to be a key pillar of bilateral cooperation and a sign of the ever-deepening friendship between Pakistan and China.

They also decided to continue working on CPEC’s expansion, including inviting outside parties to participate and improve regional connectivity and collaboration.

The Foreign Secretary of Pakistan praised China for its steadfast and generous support of Pakistan’s economic stability and for providing aid after the disastrous floods of 2022.

Vice Foreign Minister Sun on his part reiterated China’s support for the territorial integrity, economic security, and sovereignty of Pakistan.

In addition, the two sides expressed satisfaction at their close cooperation and engagement in significant regional developments, especially those in Afghanistan.

They also exchanged opinions on a variety of regional and global issues of shared concern. China and Pakistan will continue to improve their communication and cooperation in global forums.

China-Pakistan ties

The partnership between China and Pakistan has endured for a long time and has gotten stronger with time. The two nations have worked together in a variety of areas, including infrastructure, economic growth, and political cooperation.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is one of the noteworthy initiatives that has improved bilateral relationships (CPEC).

A key component of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which intends to link Asia, Europe, and Africa through trade and infrastructure, is the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

With billions in total investment, it is a collection of infrastructure projects that includes roads, railroads, ports, and energy projects.

The project is anticipated to significantly improve Pakistan’s infrastructure, generate employment opportunities, and encourage trade and investment.

CPEC has expanded political collaboration between the two partners, in addition to its economic gains. The two countries have held a number of high-level meetings to discuss project development and other areas of collaboration.

The two countries’ recent third round of bilateral political negotiations demonstrates their commitment to expanding their alliance. Ultimately, the China-Pakistan relationship is critical to regional and global stability.

The two countries share a vision of supporting regional peace, stability, and prosperity, and their relationship has the potential to reshape the region’s economic and political environment.