World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) is being celebrated today around the world. Since 1969, the 17th of May has been designated as World Telecommunication Day.

The world celebrates the creation of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention (ITC) in 1865. It was established as Resolution 46 by the Plenipotentiary Conference in Malaga-Torremolinos in 1973.

WTISD’s mission is to raise awareness of the opportunities that the Internet provides. It also raises awareness of other information and communication technologies (ICT) that have the potential to connect societies and economies. It works to close the digital gap.

As a result, this year’s theme emphasizes the critical role of ICT in assisting individuals to remain healthy, connected, and self-sufficient. It also provides physical, emotional, and financial support.

Supporting healthy aging is also crucial for the economic and health systems’ long-term possibility. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) aims to put projects in place all around the world.

This will speed up the adoption of digital technologies by the elderly. It will promote healthy aging, contributing to the UN Decade of Healthy Aging. The world population’s aging will be the defining demographic trend of the twenty-first century.

Societies, on the other hand, are still struggling to see the opportunities that this movement might provide. Telecommunications and information and communication technologies (ICTs) can help people age more comfortably.

ICT aids in the creation of smarter cities and the elimination of age-based discrimination in the workplace. It ensures older people’s financial inclusion and supports millions of careers around the world.

Call for action

The ITU urges individuals all over the world to take part in marking this day. Throughout the year, it asks people to contribute and innovate. National, regional, and worldwide activities are used to accomplish this.

This will speed up the adoption of digital technologies for the elderly and promote healthy aging. The campaign’s visual materials are available for non-commercial usage.