Peshawar, 23 November 2021 (TDI): On Tuesday, 23 November 2021, Dr. Ahmed Al-Mandhari, Regional Director of the World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO,) and Dr. Palitha Mahipala World Health Organization (WHO) Country Representative in Pakistan arrived at Peshawar Bar Council for the Inauguration of “Community Vaccination Center” to provide COVID 19 vaccination closer to frequently visited places.

About 15, 000 citizens, lawyers, and other Officials visit court every day and they will be able to get themselves vaccinated without any hassles. Earlier President of the Bar Council Amjad Marwat and received the delegates along with lawyers. The WHO team visited various sections of the facility and interacted with both staff and citizens.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Mandhari appreciated the Bar Council members for working closely with WHO for setting up this facility which will help in the vaccination at a public place and benefit the citizens and layers who haven’t received their second dose.
The president of the Bar Councill appreciated the WHO team for accepting the request for the establishment of a CVC at the Bar premises which will help to serve the purpose of advocacy and promotion around COVID -19 vaccination.
WHO has contributed worldwide in launching various initiatives and campaigns to combat the Coronavirus. Similarly, WHO in Pakistan has worked in the field of COVID-19. Previously, WHO and Pakistan have collaborated on various occasions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Among the joint collaboration, Pakistan’s National Institute of Health (NIH) and WHO jointly launched a campaign based on awareness about coronavirus vaccination for elderly people in Pakistan.
WHO in Pakistan has not only worked in the field of COVID-19 but also in various National Vaccination Campaigns, such as the ongoing Measles and Rubella (MR) campaign.
Dr. Palitha Mahipala visited Union Council in Peshawar to monitor the progress of the MR campaign. During his visit, he appreciated the work of health workers.
Editor at TDI and GNP |