Asif Noor

Health care has always been a hot button in the US. Recently, Youth Peace and Leadership Organization published three articles and criticized the failure of the US government in combating the pandemic, which led to having more confirmed cases than any other country with more than 1 million COVID-19 deaths and at least 23,117 monkeypox cases.

The articles analyzed the flaws of the US healthcare system exposed in the COVID-19 and monkeypox epidemics and strongly criticized the US healthcare system as well as the federal government based on three major issues: the politicization of healthcare, profit first, and racism.

US Healthcare System is essentially a political issue

All Health care acts or bills have been the bargaining chip between bipartisan competitions. Healthcare reform has become entrenched as a partisan issue rather than a human one.

Neither the Affordable Care Act (ACA) nor the newly enforced Inflation Reduction Act will change anything intrinsically.

According to an article published in Politico, senators from both parties slammed the federal government’s response to the monkeypox outbreak in the critical early stage during a congressional hearing on September 14.

Richard Burr (R-N.C.) even criticized, “In every respect, the Biden administration’s response measures against the monkeypox crisis was also a catastrophic failure.”

The failure in combating the COVID-19 and monkeypox pandemic shows that the US healthcare system is essentially a political issue.

As political stances tend to be opposed, the two parties have frequently engaged in tug-of-war around nucleic acid testing, social distancing, mask-wearing, resumption of work, distribution of medical supplies, and the provisions of the relief bill, which makes it more difficult to timely integrate and dispatch epidemic prevention resources and delays implementing anti-epidemic measures.

Most important goal of the US Healthcare System is to pursue profit

The US public health insurance covers 38% of the population while private health insurance covers 53%, leaving 9% uninsured. The surge in unemployment due to the pandemic has decreased employer-sponsored insurance coverage.

In addition, the tightening of ACA during the Trump administration made situations even worse, with the number of uninsured people skyrocketing and some covered by insurance opting out of treatment due to insufficient insurance amount.

The article argues that the cause of the such tragedy is that all interested parties from behind the government connive to turn the US healthcare system into their tools of maximizing profit by scarifying ordinary Americans and even national wealth.

High drug prices with little regulation have always been a significant cause for exacerbating ordinary Americans’ equal access to medical resources.

First of all, since the distribution of medical resources in the US is mainly dominated by the market, supplemented by the government, competition and collusion long exist among groups such as health insurance companies, pharmaceutical enterprises, and health insurance management agencies.

With several large pharmaceutical companies monopolizing the medical market, the U.S. sees extremely high clinical costs and becomes one of the countries with the highest drug prices in the world.

Besides, the salaries of doctors and nurses in the US are well above the average of other industrialized countries. Secondly, health insurance prices in the US vary widely by payers and regions, as health care providers are free to charge according to market affordability and the government has no discourse power in this matter.

As a result, complex procedures and decision-making processes have led to more administrative waste in the US healthcare system.

The Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response recently made a decision requiring health departments to use a new system which is different from the COVID-19 system, for monkeypox vaccine ordering, and this has also been criticized for creating confusion and delay.

White supremacy has revealed & amplified racism & health inequities in the US

Structural racism in the US healthcare system has resulted in significantly higher COVID-19 cases and deaths among ethnic minorities than among the white race in the US.

Equal treatment and vaccines are not obtainable to ethnic minorities. The average American life expectancy fell by 2.7 years from 2019 to 2021, while Hispanics and African Americans fell by 4 and 3 years respectively.

Susan Moore, a black American female internal medicine doctor, was hospitalized for infection with COVID-19, but she suffered all kinds of unfair treatment.

To this end, she released a video accusing medical racism in the US at the time. Moore died shortly after the video was released.

Moreover, an article posted in the Washington Post on September 15 reported that only 10% of monkeypox vaccines were allocated to African-Americans who take about 33% of total confirmed cases in the US.

However, the US government is doing a poor job of mitigating the effects of racism. Structural racism manifests at the individual level, with people of color suffering worse housing, less access to education and jobs, greater financial instability, and shorter lifespans than their white counterparts.

Structural racism also materializes at the societal level, a colossal waste of human capital that undercuts the nation’s economic growth, as social and economic policy expert Heather McGhee shows in her illuminating book, “The Sum of Us.”

In conclusion, the Covid-19 and monkeypox outbreaks in the US have greatly increased the death rate of Americans, especially the mortality rate of ethnic minorities and those who cannot afford health insurance.

The failure of the US healthcare system has not only plunged itself into a public health crisis but also caused irreparable harm to its allies and other countries around the world.


The Diplomatic Insight is a digital and print magazine focusing on diplomacy, defense, and development publishing since 2009.