Muscat, 24 November 2022 (TDI): Today at the 3rd Global High-Level Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), Dr. Tedros, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) addressed the conference.

This conference is a two-day meeting from 24-25 November 2022. It is taking place in the capital of Oman; Muscat.


Drug-resistant organisms were found in the environment, people, animals, food, plants, and other living things. Therefore, to address Antimicrobial Resistance, WHO collaborates with other organizations.

These partners are Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH), and UN Environment Program (UNEP).

A Strategic Framework for Antimicrobial Resistance has also been created by the WHO, FAO, WOAH, in collaboration with UNEP.

Read more: 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance

The cooperative efforts of the four organizations to establish a One Health response to AMR at the international, regional, and national levels are reflected in this Framework.

It largely supports enhancing global AMR governance as well as putting into practice the Global Action Plan on AMR’s five pillars.

“Antimicrobial Resistance is one of the most urgent & difficult concerns of our day,” according to Dr. Tedros. It may not get as much attention from governments, donors, or the media since it is not as dramatic as a pandemic, a war, or a humanitarian crisis.

Furthermore, he emphasized that “the severity of the issue and its impacts cannot be ignored.” According to estimates, 5 million people die as a result of antimicrobial resistance every year. It harms people’s health, food security, and economic growth.

According to the Director-General, “the reaction must be multi-sectoral as Antimicrobial Resistance touches multiple sectors.”

Participants of the AMR conference must come from both the public and private sectors. They represent the health, agriculture, and environmental fields.

Despite the seriousness of this global threat, we continue to face major issues in obtaining long-term funding for the essential and effective initiatives identified in the Strategic Framework.

UNGA AMR Meeting 2024

In this regard, Dr. Tedros expressed his sincere hope that the AMR conference would be successful. This will set the stage for bold and specific political commitments at the High-Level Meeting on AMR of the UN General Assembly in 2024.

While concluding his remarks he states that “I reaffirm WHO’s commitment to supporting national One Health approaches to AMR.

This has to be supported by appropriate institutional ability and resources as well as policy and technical frameworks.”