Karachi, 16 February 2022 (TDI): The World Food Programme (WFP) Pakistan organized a  Provincial Workshop of a two-day duration in Sindh, starting today.
The Workshop’s topic is Sindh Climate Change Policy and linkages with United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework outcome-3 and World Food Programme’s Country Strategic Plan.

Eminent Attendees of WorkShop
The Provincial Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Mohammad Ismail Rahoo attended the workshop. Not only that but more than forty senior officials from the concerned departments graced the workshop with their presence.
The departments were of the Government of Sindh mainly. Additionally, representatives of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) were also there.
United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework
A framework of the United Nations for planning and additionally the implementation of the United Nations activities related to development.
The framework is meant to provide assistance in planning and implementation at the country level. The ultimate goal is to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals abbreviated as SDGs under the Agenda 2030.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Sustainable Development Goals shortened as SDGs are some targets and goals defined by the United Nations. The objective is to achieve a maximum of them by the year 2030 globally.
Hence why they are sometimes referred to as the Global Goals. Goals cover the areas of poverty, food security, good health, quality education, gender parity, climate change, sustainable cities, industries, economic growth, etc.
Furthermore, it is relevant to mention that these goals are integrated and are seventeen in number. The whole idea is to combat the contemporary challenges, the entire world is confronting.
Consequently, by doing so the world will become a better place for the current generation and for future generations as well. The earlier statement summarizes the idea of sustainable growth and development.