Davos, 24 January 2023 (TDI): The World Economic Forum (WEF) report claims that the Maghreb and Algeria are among the “early movers” using innovative technologies and agricultural methods to increase sustainability.
According to the Managing Director of the WEF’s Centre for Nature and Climate, Gim Huay Neo, “Transforming food systems provide healthy and nutritious diets and dignified jobs for farmers and producers.”
She added, “This report shows how economic development with environment protection supports communities in climate adaptation and mitigation efforts.”
The WEF study also mentioned Vietnam, Canada, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Ethiopia, and New Zealand.
According to the research, Ghana, India, and Vietnam had unlocked and supported small and medium-sized firms, notably farmer-allied and local food chain enterprises.
During this time, sustainable rice production had increased in Vietnam, and the agricultural sectors in Canada and New Zealand had become more climate-friendly.
Algeria – Morocco Agricultural Development Strategies
According to the report, Algeria has “more than doubled its per capita food output since 2020 through government initiatives and agricultural advancements.”
The government of Algeria has made it a priority to mechanize and modernize the agricultural industry.
Precision farming methods are used, including GPS-controlled tractors and drones for crop monitoring and irrigation systems to better water management.
Morocco’s National Agricultural Development Strategy promotes sustainable agriculture by implementing a National Water Plan, reducing erosion, and promoting organic fertilizers.
Algeria and Morocco have undertaken several methods to enhance sustainability in their agricultural and food sectors. Algeria and Morocco are working to make their agricultural sectors more sustainable.
Governments are developing policies and initiatives to encourage sustainable land use and water management through drip irrigation, precision agriculture, and conservation agriculture.
Furthermore, both countries invest in research and development to boost food yields and resist drought, heat, and parasites.
Countries have also enacted various measures to assist organic and local farming in minimizing imports and strengthening the local market.
Both nations have also been working to increase smallholder farmers’ access to markets and financial services to improve the livelihoods of rural populations and support sustainable food systems.
Algeria and Magrib are also aiming to increase the use of renewable energy in agriculture, such as solar dryers for drying crops and solar pumps for irrigation.
Algeria and Morocco have acknowledged the importance of sustainability in their food sectors. They have adopted policies to promote viable food production and consumption.
They encourage advanced fishing methods and create waste-free food processing and packaging techniques.
Nations have also started to invest in agroforestry, which mixes forestry and agriculture techniques to produce more sustainable and varied land use systems.
Farmers can grow food, timber, and non-timber forest products using agroforestry, providing ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration, soil protection, and biodiversity conservation.