Baku, 2 March 2023 (TDI): Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the President of Uzbekistan, & Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan, met in Baku.

The Uzbek President was thanked by the leader of Azerbaijan for his assistance & participation in the Summit of the Non-aligned Movement.

The Summit will take place on March 2 in the nation’s capital. While Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in turn, lauded Azerbaijan’s successful Chairmanship in this structure. The two counterparts carefully examined how agreements at the highest level were carried out.

It was noted with great satisfaction that the strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan has reached a qualitatively new level, filled with concrete content, as a result of systematic and fruitful contacts.

The volume of trade between the two nations increased by more than 50% in the previous year. The implementation of cooperative projects in high-priority industries like textile, automotive, and sericulture is currently in full swing.

Also read: Presidents of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan discuss bilateral relations

Projects in the transportation, logistics, and oil and gas industries are currently being prepared for by both sides. An agreement on creating a joint investment fund was signed as part of the First Forum of Regions.

The Forum took place in Tashkent in February of this year. It was also noted that there was interest in the sharing of knowledge regarding the growth of FEZ activities and the tax administration system.

Likewise, it was also highlighted how crucial it is to strengthen cross-cultural and humanitarian interactions even more. Also, the heads of state discussed regional and global issues currently in the news as well as the calendar of upcoming events.