Islamabad, 22 February 2022 (TDI): Sardor Umurzakov, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade of Uzbekistan visited Pakistan for two days.

The official visit lasted from 21st to 22nd Feb 2022. Sardor Umurzakov was accompanied by his forty-three (43) member delegation that was comprised of Ministers, Government Officials as well as Uzbek Businessmen.

During his visit, the Uzbek Deputy Prime Minister also met with the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, so as to deliberate upon issues pertaining to mutual interest, especially the imminent visit of the Uzbek President.

The President of Uzbekistan is expected to come in the first week of March 2022. The Uzbek business delegation held business-to-business (B2B) engagements with Pakistani enterprises of various sectors. These include the fields of Logistics, Engineering Goods, Textile, Food, and Pharmaceuticals.

Likewise, a business roundtable was also organized between the Uzbek Deputy Prime Minister and distinguished Pakistani businesspersons. In this context, a meeting with Abdul Razak Dawood, the Advisor to Prime Minister Imran Khan on Commerce and Investment was also held.

During the meeting, the two officials acquiesced to put into operation the Transit Trade Agreement on 3rd March 2022 along with finalizing the agreement on market access and Uzbek Visa facilitation for Pakistan Businessmen.

In addition, the two also finalized an MOU on banking collaboration. In the same vein, both sides agreed to further reinforce bilateral ties along with taking steps to improve trade and economic partnership.

This will be done with the intent of expeditiously executing & finalizing mutually agreed initiatives. Senior Officials from both sides were also present during the meeting. The trans-Afghan Railway Project as well as collaboration in the agricultural sector were conferred upon.

Furthermore, the Uzbek delegation also held bilateral meetings, on 22 February 2022, with Ministers for Food Security and Research, Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives, and Minister of Railways.