Islamabad, 30 June 2022 (TDI): The U.S Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) sponsored 16 Airports Security Force Pakistan officials for ICAO-certified Aviation Security National Instructors training at the Gulf Aviation Academy (GAA) in Bahrain.

Noteworthy, the Assistant Secretary of the State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Todd D. Robinson is currently on an official visit to Pakistan.

Therefore, the primary purpose of his trip to Islamabad includes discussions on international law enforcement and counternarcotics initiatives.

In addition, Assistant Secretary Robinson will meet with senior government officials to discuss US-Pakistan cooperation on various topics during his visit.

Concurrently, the areas of discussion also include counternarcotics, gender issues, transnational crime, and border security.

According to the U.S Embassy in Pakistan, Secretary Robinson looks forward to celebrating the 75th anniversary of bilateral relations between the U.S. and Pakistan.

Also, during this visit, he aims to celebrate INL’s 40 years-long partnership with Pakistan under the theme of “justice, security, and prosperity”.

INL’s Partnership with Pakistan

The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) has collaborated on counternarcotics (C.N.) with the Pakistani Government for the past years.

The main goals of INL include combatting violent extremism and enhancing the capabilities of civilian law enforcement entities.

INL also supports Pakistan’s efforts to enhance surveillance and border monitoring activities along with effective correction systems. These actions improve counterterrorism and counternarcotics activities in Pakistan.

In addition to this, INL-Pakistan supports programs for women empowerment. Furthermore, such programs enhance Pakistani women’s capacity to preserve law and order. As well as promote gender equality and serve as role models in the justice system.

US-Pakistan Bilateral Relations

The U.S has established bilateral relations with Pakistan since its establishment in 1947. In addition, Pakistan will celebrate its 75th anniversary of independence and diplomatic ties with the U.S.

Meanwhile, INL has forty years of partnership with Pakistan for seeking justice, prosperity, and security at the transnational level.

Additionally, Pakistan and the United States have established a complex and wide-ranging partnership. These areas of collaboration include education, energy, defense, trade, and investment.

All in all, both countries share principles and a common interest in regional and strategic challenges, which is the foundation for this partnership.