President Joe Biden poses for his official portrait Wednesday, March 3, 2021, in the Library of the White House.

Washington D.C., 29 October 2021 (TDI): US Press Secretary Jen Psaki, briefed about the US President Joe Biden’s second foreign trip around the globe. The first stop is Rome where the President is set to attend a G-20 Summit, following a COP26 Climate Conference.

The President’s second tour’s highlights are observed to be the G-20 Summit and
COP26 Conference, however, he has meetings lined up with some other important officials. Such as a meeting with Pope Francis, French President Macaron and also with the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi.

In the two-day G-20 summit that will take place on October 30-31, President Joe Biden will discuss the global minimum tax among the 20 countries that take on 80% of the global economy. And in the G-20 summit, the US wants 130 countries to agree on a 15% minimum tax.

In the two-day COP26 Climate Conference scheduled to be held in Glasgow, the President will discuss the growing climate crisis and design strategies to overcome these problems. The goal of the COP26 conference is to reduce the 1.5 degree Celsius global temperature (to take the global temperature to the point where it was before the industrial revolution).

The main goal of the US is to make the global emitters such as itself, China, India among others commit to ambitious goals of mitigation of Carbon emissions.