Washington DC, 9 November 2022 (TDI): Midterm elections are being held in the United States (US) contesting 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 35 seats in the Senate.

Both the Democratic Party and Republican Party have set forth their agendas for the elections that are being held in the country.

The incumbent US President, Joe Biden belongs to the Democratic Party and has been encouraging the people to vote. During his campaigns, he highlighted the importance of the nation’s unity and optimism.

He underlined the significance of voting and said, “Your voice is your power. Use it today. Speak up, speak out. Get engaged. Vote, vote, Vote”.

Recent Updates

The current Senate is split 50-50 between both parties, with Vice President Kamala Harris giving democrats the tie-breaking win. According to the recent updates of the midterm elections, Republicans need two democratic seats to regain control of the Senate.

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The key races for the Senate in the US states are projected so far with both parties on a close win. On the other hand, democrats control 220 out of 435 US House of Representatives.

The Republicans control 212 seats, they need 16 seats to regain control. The recent result projects Republicans scoring 199 seats and Democrats scoring 178 seats. The party to win the majority would need 218 seats out of 435.

Midterm Elections

In the US midterm elections are general elections that are held near the mid-point of a President’s four-year term. These elections are contested on 435 seats of the House of Representatives and 34-35 out of 100 seats of the Senate.

Additionally, 34 out of 50 Governors are elected of the US states for a term of four years. The two states; Vermont and New Hampshire elect the governors for a term of two years in both general elections. So, 36 governors are elected during these midterm elections.