Washington, 18 March 2022 (TDI): With the failure of the Somali government to meet a deadline for finishing their parliamentary electoral process, the United States of America (US) subjugated visa restrictions for a great number of Somali individuals.

Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken, in his address stated that the US is taking this action pursuant to a policy he announced on February 8, under Section 212 (a)(3)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, to restrict the issuance of visas for those believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, undermining the democratic process in Somalia.

Despite there being active cooperation and progress between the states, there are still more than three dozen unfilled parliamentary seats with multiple credible reports coming regarding the procedural irregularities.

Those who are working to support the transparent process of democracy, democratic elections, and democratic institutions have become a victim to insult, harassment, violence, and foul language, the opposition party members and journalists are also victims in the process.

He further added that they will continue to evaluate the Somali government, their policies, and efforts that will allow them to support and conclude the electoral process in Somalia in an effective and honest manner so that both nations prosper peacefully.

What is the crisis in Somalia?

For nine consecutive years, Somalia has been on the Emergency Watchlist. However, it has moved into the Top 10 because of the escalating political uncertainties as well as the risk of both renewed violence and drought.

The presidential election that had originally been scheduled to take place in late 2020 has added to political turmoil in Somalia. Consequently, clashes with opposition forces have ensued as President Mohamed Abdullahi “Farmajo” Mohamed’s term was completed in early 2021.

The rift between the President and Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has aggravated the widespread political polarization. Likewise, it has delayed the Presidential Elections.

Meanwhile, conflict persists between al-Shabab and the government and international forces. This conflict along with the effects of climate change, has uprooted 2.9 million people from their homes.

As a result, Somalia has become one of the five worst internal displacement crises across the world. Drought is expected to get worst during the next year.