New York, 21 February 2023 (TDI): Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN), Khaled Khiari, briefed the Security Council regarding the latest missile launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). 

He stated that SC strongly condemned the launch of the missile and appealed to reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

The Assistant Secretary-General showed concern that the international community is divided and thus threatening peace and security all over the world, the Korean Peninsula must be an area for cooperation. 

The meeting of the Security Council was held in reaction to DPRK firing a long-range ballistic missile that flew nearly 990 kilometers and landed in the Sea of Japan, followed by the drill involving two “tactical nuclear” rockets. 

Khiari said that DPRK must cease further provocative actions and show compliance with its international obligations that fall under relevant resolutions of the Security Council. 

There is a need to resume dialogue with DPRK that would lead to sustainable peace and the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

The DPRK with this missile launch clearly showed its intentions of continuing the pursuit of an arms race in the Korean Peninsula, which is a sheer violation of the UNSC’s resolutions. 

Also read: US urges allies & UNSC to take action against DPRK

DPRK is continuously implementing its five-year military plan, revealed in 2021, that aimed to develop intercontinental-range ballistic missiles, and other weapons. 

It repeatedly warned the DPRK of counteractions against the military exercises it carried out in the region. 

The main agenda behind the UNSC meeting was to reiterate the responsibility of the maintenance of international peace and security, Khiari proclaimed. 

“The meeting also provides an opportunity to discuss practical measures for achieving a peaceful, comprehensive, diplomatic, and political solution to the situation on the Korean Peninsula,” said Khiari. 

DPRK increased its nuclear stockpiles and updated its technology, most of the systems tested are capable of striking targets on the Korean Peninsula and are capable of reaching parts of North America. This is a huge source of concern.

Last September, DPRK approved a new law that set out conditions in which it could use nuclear weapons, including pre-emptively in certain circumstances.  

The seventh nuclear test of DPRK would be a blatant violation of the UNSC resolutions as it would undermine the international norm against nuclear testing. 

Khiari pointed out the commitments of SC to achieve the goal of a nuclear-free world. Though DPRK’s intentions are going towards nuclear belligerency. The Assistant Secretary-General emphasized several steps for the reduction of tensions.

Firstly, the DPRK must take immediate steps to resume dialogues for sustainable peace in order to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, and secondly, refrain from further testing of missiles. 

Thirdly, effective communication channels must be enhanced to avoid tensions, escalations, and confrontations. In concluding remarks, Khiari highlighted the concerns over the humanitarian situation in the DPRK. 

“The United Nations is ready to assist the DPRK in addressing medical and other humanitarian needs,” he told Council members.

“To allow for a timely and effective response, we reiterate our call for the unimpeded entry of international staff, including the Resident Coordinator, and humanitarian supplies.” 


Iqra is a research scholar. She writes on various platforms. She is the author of two books. Her research interest includes politics, International relations, diplomacy, peace, and conflict studies, public administration, sociology and history.