New York City, 7 September 2022 (TDI): The United Nations (UN) celebrated the day of clean air for blue skies, on Wednesday, to encourage a safer environment. The UN highlighted that “Clean air is a human right.”

The theme of this year was “The Air We Share,” which is on the global aspect of air pollution and the necessity of group responsibility and action.

Additionally, it emphasizes the significance of swift and strategic regional and international cooperation for the effective implementation of air pollution mitigation measures.

Moreover, as people share the very same air, a single atmosphere keeps all lives alive. Hence, the world must work together to address pollution because it is an international issue.

Pollution: Effect on Health

Tiny, invisible pollution particles get deep within our bodies, including our lungs, bloodstream, and organs. About one-third of deaths due to stroke, chronic respiratory conditions, and lung cancer, in addition to one-fourth of deaths from heart attacks, are attributed to these pollutants.

Furthermore, asthma and other chronic respiratory conditions are also brought on by ground-level ozone. This ozone is created when several contaminants combine with sunlight.

Pollution: Effect on Climate

Short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) include the pollutants closely associated with both short-term global warming and adverse health impacts.

Moving ahead, they can have an almost instantaneous positive impact on people’s health and the environment in areas where levels fall. This is because they can be in the environment for as little as a few days or as long as a few decades.

Adding to that, one of the leading preventable causes of mortality and disease worldwide, air pollution is the single biggest environmental risk to human health. This is an anticipated 6.5 million premature deaths in 2016 worldwide related to indoor and outdoor air pollution.

Besides this, women, children, and the elderly are particularly affected by air pollution, mainly in developing countries.

These are where they are frequently exposed to large amounts of fine particulate matter as well as household air pollution from cooking using wood fuel and kerosene and warming with it.

Apart from that, due to the wide distribution over great distances, air pollution is a problem that affects everyone on the planet. Also, the number of early fatalities brought on by pollution in the atmosphere is predicted to rise by more than 50% by 2050 in the lack of significant intervention.

Along these lines, because of the damaging effects on the economy, labor productivity, healthcare expenditures, and tourism, society pays a hefty price for air pollution.

Hence, resultantly, the financial advantages of investing in the reduction of air pollution cannot be overstated. It is important to realize that there is an economic case for action and that there are affordable ways to deal with air pollution.

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

According to the UN, the member States must significantly reduce the number of fatalities and illnesses caused by hazardous chemicals, and pollution of the air, water, and soil.

Moreover, these also add together with the negative environmental effects of cities as a whole. These include giving special attention to pollution levels and governmental and other waste management.

Additionally, air pollution is the single largest environmental health risk to humans and one of the primary preventable causes of death and illness worldwide. Hence, clean air is crucial for people’s daily lives and health.

Therefore, the UN General Assembly decided to declare September 7 as the International Day of Clean Air for clear skies after being encouraged by the growing interest.

The world community has shown an inclination toward clean air and stresses the importance of making additional efforts to boost air quality.

Clean Air Day