Westminster, 18 September 2021 (TDI): On Thursday, Stephen Lovegrove the UK’s National Security Council Adviser, spoke at a virtual event about the UK’s leadership role and the significance of working with partners. The virtual event was organized by the Council on Geostrategy.
The need to collaborate in order to maximize UK’s effect was a fundamental aspect of the Integrated Review’s approach, and it’s an area where the UK excelled. From the leadership role in NATO to strong, strategic bilateral ties to the position at the heart of the Commonwealth, the United Kingdom has a diverse and deep international network that benefits security and the economy.
The experience in Afghanistan underlined the fact that the issues outlined in the Integrated Review are global in nature. They have an influence on partners in Europe, the United States, and the Indo-Pacific, just as they do on us and those in our immediate region.
The approach of the United Kingdom is and will always be international. This is not incompatible with acting in the interests of national strategic interests. Rather, it is essential to doing this. If the United Kingdom is to succeed in this period of systemic competition, it will do it in collaboration with allies and partners.