New York, 2 March 2022 (TDI): Ever since Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine, India has been diplomatically stuck between a rock and a hard place because of its ties with both Russia and the US.
India like China and the United Arab Emirates abstained from voting for the draft submitted by Albania and the United States at the UN Security Council. Although the draft garnered support from 11 members, it was vetoed by Russia.
UNSC meeting on Humanitarian situation in Ukraine
Statement by Ambassador T.S. Tirumurti,
Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations
- I would like to thank Under-Secretary-General Martin Griffiths and UN High Commissioner Filippo Grandi for their briefing.
2. India remains deeply concerned at the unfolding developments in Ukraine, where the situation continues to deteriorate. Our considered call for immediate cessation of violence and an end to all hostilities is an urgent imperative.
3. India’s Prime Minister has advocated this strongly in his recent conversations with the leadership of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. We welcome the commencement of direct talks. We reiterate our conviction that differences can only be bridged through sustained dialogue and diplomacy.
4. We also underline that all member states have agreed on the principles in UN Charter, international law and on the respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.
5. There is an urgent and pressing humanitarian situation developing in Ukraine. In such times of conflict, India attaches the highest priority to safety and well-being of civilians, in particular women, children and elderly. We are of the view that core principles of humanitarian assistance should be fully honoured.
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6. Taking into account the humanitarian requirements in Ukraine, my Government has also decided to provide urgent relief supplies, including medicines. These are expected to be despatched tomorrow.
7. We remain deeply concerned for the safety and security of thousands of Indian citizens, including students, stranded in Ukraine. Our evacuation efforts have been adversely impacted by the developments on ground at the border crossings.
Given that the safety of Indian nationals is of paramount importance to my Government, senior Ministers from the Government of India are being deployed as Special Envoys to Ukraine’s neighbouring countries.
We thank them for their cooperation at this difficult time. We stand ready to help those from our neighbours and developing countries who are also stranded in Ukraine and may seek assistance. We also support all UN humanitarian efforts.
8. As reiterated yesterday, there is no other option but to return to the path of diplomacy and dialogue, as the only way ahead.
I thank you Mr. President.