Istanbul, 25 October 2023 (TDI): The President of Turkiye, Tayyip Erdoğan held a telephonic conversation for the second time with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin on October 24, over the situation in Palestine.

During the call, the both Presidents discussed the course of the escalating crisis between Israel and Palestine, and the humanitarian crisis in the region.

Furthermore, the Presidents pointed out that the brutality targeting the Palestinian lands was growing deeper, and that civilian casualties increased every passing minute.

In this regard, President Erdoğan emphasized that the silence of the Western countries also acts as a contributing factor in escalating the humanitarian crisis in Gaza to an unavertable level.

President Erdoğan underscored that Türkiye would continue to exert every effort for peace to be restored in the region.

Both Presidents also condemned the attacks on civilian neighborhoods, religious and social facilities in Palestine.

Former negotiations on the situation in Palestine

Before the recent telephone conversation, the Presidents of Turkiye and Russia also held a telephone conversation on October 10, to negotiate on the situation in Palestine.

During the conversation, grave concerns were expressed by both Presidents about the ongoing escalation of violence and the catastrophic increase in the number of civilian casualties.

At that time, the both Presidents expressed their joint readiness to promote the need for an immediate ceasefire by both sides and the resumption of the negotiation process was emphasized.

Also read: Turkiye, Russia discuss Palestine-Israel conflict

Furthermore, it was emphasized by both Presidents that a long-term peaceful settlement of the Middle East crisis is possible solely based on the “two-state” formula approved by the UN Security Council (UNSC).

It was also notified during that the two-state formula approved by the UNSC provides for the creation of an independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with its capital in East Jerusalem.

Moreover, President Erdoğan and President Putin also exchanged views on measures to prevent any further spread of the tension between Palestine and Israel.