Islamabad, 26 January 2022 (TDI): The Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi called the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan, Jeyhun Bayramov.

The Foreign Minister of Pakistan extended an invitation to his Azerbaijani counterpart to attend the 48th OIC session that will be held in Pakistan. During the phone call, the two Foreign Ministers deliberated upon the bilateral relations between Pakistan and Azerbaijan along with exchanging views on ways to further boost mutual collaboration.

The duo underscored the deepening of economic and trade relations as well as improved cooperation in the energy and education sectors. Moreover, the counterparts welcomed the holding of the 7th Session of the Joint Ministerial Commission in Baku on 1-2 December 2021.

Aside from that, the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Pakistan discussed the invention of the new Joint Working Groups in the fields of tourism, rail and road transport, energy, as well as sports.

Foreign Minister Qureshi on his part accentuated the significance of regional interconnectivity. In addition to that, he highlighted the significance of improving direct air links, rail, and road connectedness so as to encourage trade and people-to-people contacts between the two partners.

The two sides also conferred upon the peace and stability situation in the region. In this regard, they reaffirmed their commitment to persist in supporting endeavors related to economic and humanitarian assistance to war-torn Afghanistan.

Lastly, the two Foreign Ministers deliberated upon cooperation between Pakistan and Azerbaijan at both regional and international fora. Furthermore, during the phone call, they agreed to remain in touch so as to fortify collective efforts regarding issues of mutual interest.