Islamabad, 24 January 2023 (TDI): United States (US) and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (Taliban) reached a comprehensive and sustainable peace agreement in 2020 to end the war in Afghanistan for the benefit of all. The agreement included four parts.

  1. Guarantees to prevent the use of Afghan soil by any International terrorist group or individual against the security of the US and its allies.
  2. A timeline for the withdrawal of all US and Coalition forces from Afghanistan.
  3. A political settlement resulting from intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations between the Taliban and an inclusive negotiating team of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
  4. A permanent and comprehensive ceasefire.

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan reaffirmed its commitment to preventing any International terrorist groups including AL-Qa’ida and ISIS–K using Afghan soil to threaten the security of the US and its allies as well as the region’s peace and stability.

But after one year of the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, afghan soil has been increasingly used against Pakistan’s territory for terrorist activities. 

Afghanistan failed to uphold its commitment 

Late 2022 in November, Tehrik Taliban Pakistan (TTP) unilaterally ended an Afghan Taliban-brokered peace agreement with the Pakistan government and ordered their terror groups to launch an attack on Pakistan. 

TTP is aligned with the Afghan Taliban and also enjoys safe havens at the Pakistan and Afghanistan border according to Pakistani Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah.

The recent events deteriorated the relationship between Pakistan and the Taliban which resulted in frequent border flare-ups and closures.

While the Taliban have accused Pakistan of providing its airspace to the US for the drone strike in Kabul that killed al-Qaida Chief Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Also Read: UN calls on Afghan Taliban to end restrictions on Women & Girls

On the other hand, US’ Spokesperson Ned Price earlier said on the 4th of January that the US also expressed firm support to Pakistan to resolve and crush terrorist groups operating against Pakistan. 

Furthermore, he said, Pakistan has faced threats from militant groups operating in the border region and claimed too many Pakistani lives.

He also stated, “Pakistan has every right to defend itself; terrorism is a threat to the region, and it’s one we take very seriously as do our Pakistani partner”.