June 17, 2021 (TDI): Today, Ambassador of Switzerland to Pakistan Benedict de Cerjat inaugurated a new branch of Habib Metro in the Diplomatic Enclave. Along with the ambassador, President of Habib Metro, Mr. Mohsin Ali Nathani, was present at the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Habib Metro Bank is a subsidiary of Switzerland incorporated bank Habib Bank AG Zurich. It is one of the biggest swiss investments in Pakistan. It was established in 1967. Habib Metro came under the list of Pakistan’s leading banks. Swiss Ambassador, after the inauguration ceremony, hosted a reception in his residency. He was delighted that the Habib Metro branch is open in the Diplomatic Enclave, and now diplomats and embassy staff also enjoy their services.
President and CEO of Habib Metro Mohsin Ali also addressed the audience and said through this initiative will prosper our relationship. They are looking forward to providing services to our diplomats, ambassadors, and community. They are hopeful, residencies of diplomatic enclaves choose Habib Metro for their to serve them.