Islamabad, 23 March 2022 (TDI): Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan, said on Wednesday that his country would never compromise its sovereignty and that “external aggression will be dealt with strongly”.

“I want to make it clear to the enemy that Pakistan will never compromise on its sovereignty as the nation and its armed forces are ready to thwart any aggression.”

“The Pakistani nation has made immense sacrifices in the war and stood resilient against internal and external conspiracies.” He praised the country’s armed forces and the nation for their valor and courage in making their homeland strong and prosperous.

President stated that the country’s democracy has backed the people and all state institutions. “We should always keep in view the saying of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah to stand united as a nation, and demonstrate faith and discipline within our ranks” 

The President congratulated the nation on Pakistan Day, noting that the day was unique because it coincided with the 75th anniversary of Pakistan’s independence. “Being a strong and united nation, we vow to keep high the integrity and sovereignty of our motherland,” he said.

He paid glowing tribute to his fellow citizens who gave their lives in defense of Pakistan’s sovereignty and contributed to its stability. President Alvi stated that the founding of Pakistan was to establish a modern Islamic welfare state in accordance with Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s vision.

He added that as a founding member, Pakistan was committed to the building of the Islamic body during the two-day 48th OIC Council of Foreign Ministers meeting, which is being hosted by Pakistan.

He stated that the globe was facing numerous challenges, including the crises of Palestine and Kashmir, which needed resolution at the earliest. He also pointed out the rising trend of Islamophobia, the situation of extremism. 

Further, he brought the subject of a deprivation of human rights especially women along with poverty and hunger in Afghanistan. Pakistan, according to the President, is confronted with extremism and intolerance, fake news.

“This event is the reflection of unity and progress of our nation, and also shows the picture of our military strength,” he said. He referred to the family system as the nation’s strength since it served to maintain the social fabric. He voiced confidence in the nation’s ability to continue on its path to becoming a powerful and successful nation.
