Islamabad, 23 March 2022 (TDI): Pakistani President Arif Alvi met with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022, who delivered President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s greetings to the Pakistani President, according to Egypt’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Hafez on Twitter.

Shoukry reiterated Egypt’s desire to continue improving its relations with Pakistan in a way that benefits both nations and their peoples during the meeting, according to Hafez.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry is now in Islamabad for the 48th session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Council of Foreign Ministers (OIC).

During his meeting with Egypt’s Foreign Minister, the President stated that Pakistan saw Egypt as a key player in the region and that the government was eager to strengthen economic, political, and cultural connections with the brotherly country.

Both sides emphasised the importance of better communication and cultural ties between the two countries. Moreover, He also brought up Indian atrocities in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), claiming that India was conducting genocide against Muslims and that the world community needed to intervene.

Egypt and Pakistan are both prominent Muslim countries with strategic locations. Both countries are developing nations that play important roles in their respective regions. Overcrowding, food insecurity, and militancy are all issues that both countries face. 

While Egypt produces the highest-quality cotton, Pakistan is a major cotton producer with low yields. Both countries have some of the world’s largest rivers, but they are both plagued by water scarcity. The two countries are descended from two ancient civilizations: the Nile delta and the Indus valley. 

Pakistan recognizes Egypt as an important Arab nation because it is the headquarters of the Arab League. A new warmth has emerged, as well as a willingness to broaden the scope of bilateral cooperation.

The President commended the foreign ministers for attending the OIC’s 48th Foreign Ministers Summit, which is currently taking place in Islamabad. Following that, the President hosted a banquet in honour of the OIC foreign ministers.