Johannesburg, 8 January 2022 (TDI): South Africa has extended the exemption of work permits for Zimbabweans by 12 months. Thus, Zimbabweans who want to continue living and working in South Africa must use this period to apply for an appropriate ordinary permit.

According to Government statistics, South Africa has a population of about 60 million. This includes approximately three million migrants. Many migrants are Zimbabweans who migrated in search of better opportunities.

However, the majority do not hold a permit, therefore are undocumented. With the extension, the holders of the exemption cannot be arrested or deported.

Work Permits in South Africa

In South Africa, work permits or temporary visas for work are issued by the Department of Home Affairs. Applications for temporary residence visas are processed and finalized at the Foreign Offices of the Department of Home Affairs.

Travel arrangements are only made once the visa has been approved.

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The two types of Visas offered are General Work Visas and Intra-company Transfer Work Permits.

General Work Visas

General Work Visas are issued to foreigners where it has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that South African citizens and permanent residents with the relevant qualifications or skills and experience are not available for appointment. To apply for this kind of visa, the applicant must provide proof of qualifications.

Intra-company Transfer Work Permits

Occasionally, multinational companies may decide to transfer an existing employee in a key position from a foreign branch to a branch, subsidiary, or affiliate of that company in South Africa. Such employees apply for Intra-company Transfer Work Permits.

Zimbabwean Exemption Permit 

It was first introduced in 2009 by the then Home Affairs Minister, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, as a temporary solution to a growing refugee crisis related to Zimbabwe. It was a temporary solution to legalize the stay of some Zimbabweans in South Africa and to strengthen the strong bilateral ties that exist between the two countries.

The exemptions expired at the end of 2021. Bloomberg had reported earlier that as many as 200,000 Zimbabweans would be forced to return home from South Africa with the end of the exemption program. Zimbabwean nationals were given 12 months to apply for visas in South Africa.

In a statement published on the website of Home affairs on Friday, 7th January, the Minister for Home Affairs, Aaron Motsoaledi announced the extension of exemption work permits for Zimbabwean nationals.

This would allow holders to apply for a necessary visa under the Immigration Act. According to the Government, permit holders would be allowed to apply for a necessary visa under the South African Immigration Act and regularize their stay in the country.

The extension confirms the level of importance South Africa places on the human resources coming from Zimbabwe as well as the excellent relations that exist between the two countries. Accordingly, the government appeals to holders of this permit to use the 12 months to regularize their status officially in South Africa.

Work Permits

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